I fell in love with that car. Dad’s mechanic did not. He
rattled off a whole bunch of work it would need and I’m sure that sealed Dad’s
opinion. The seller was firm in his price of $2500. I asked my father to loan
me $250 so that I could buy the ’68 “sure to be classic” car. Dad asked, “Why would you pay all that money
for an old car that needs a ton of work?” He pointed out that our neighbors had
a nice car that was only three years old and they were selling it for $2,250. I
could buy it and not have to borrow any money. Besides, it was newer and would
not need all that work. So, I bought the neighbor’s car. If you know anything
about cars, you will know what happened next when I tell you that my very first
car that I spent my entire life savings on was an Audi Fox.
On my sixteenth birthday, I passed the driving test. License
in hand, I drove my new European car to the rural high school I attended. My
friends thought it was the funniest car they had ever seen. “What is that?”
they chuckled. And, “Oooooh…it says BLUE FOX on it!” Ugh. We had not had the
mechanic check it out because it was newer and we trusted the neighbors. When
it started misfiring, I took it to the shop. The mechanic came up with a
full-page list of work the Audi needed. Number one on the list was a broken
strut. I did not know what a strut was, but apparently, this car was equipped
with very expensive, but fragile McPherson struts. I don’t remember all the
details, but the estimate was close to $1,000.
I think Dad coughed up money for the repair bill out of a guilty
I hung on to the Fox through high school. I found that if I
shifted quickly into second gear I could make the tires bark. That had my
friends rolling. My friends also loved to see me pull up to the Handy-Pantry to
buy a quart of oil every other day. When I would unscrew the oil cap, a billow
of smoke would rise out like I had rubbed a genie lamp. No wishes granted. But
it did give my friends a new line, “Hey Scott, that is really cool. The Fox has
an overhead cam smoker!” More rolling and knee slapping. I endured it though,
and they didn’t complain when I drove places so they could drink as much as
they wanted.
I took the Blue Fox with me to college high up in the Blue
Ridge Mountains. It got me and a couple of buddies that had previously laughed
at my car up and down those mountains many weekends. The electric cooling fan
quit working, so we would watch the engine temperature gauge climb as we made
our way up steep grades and then watch it fall with relief as we coasted down the
other side of the hills. One of the high beams shot way off to the right side
of the road and often helped us spot deer along the roads as we made our way
between home and dormitory life.
The following year I moved back home and attended the local
University. The Fox threw a rod and that was all she wrote. My Dad sold me his
old diesel pick-up truck for a bargain. Thus, began my lifelong pursuit of the
perfect car. I think I have been trying to make up for losing out on that deep
red Mustang my whole life. However, I
always end up putting practicality over what I really want. So, this week, some
36 years later, I bought a deep red convertible! It’s not a Mustang, but it looks sporty. But
I kept it practical. It has a backseat. Underneath the sporty exterior is a Toyota
Camry. Dad has a Camry.
The car is cool, yet
practical. Just like me and my dad.