Hope is strength.
Hope is enduring.
Hope handles the tough jobs.
Cleaning out your deceased mother’s house.
Comforting your father during
your mother’s funeral.
Like losing a child.
Hope thrives in the face of adversity.
Like raising and caring for a
disabled child.
Hope is able to see that
even people with damaged brains
have beautiful souls
and experience moments of pure joy.
Hope is the first to call
when a brother needs support
or just a word of encouragement.
Hope stands in the wings and cheers
for the people she loves
when they take the stage.
Hope survives crashes
and grueling years of rehab.
Hope is a presence in your youth.
Hope is there from the
moment you are born.
Hope is strong and enduring.
Hope is beautiful.
Hope is love.
Hope is my sister’s name.