We are white and we work hard, so terms like “white
privilege” put us on the defensive. We struggle to provide for our families and
we have to watch every penny to make ends meet. Life is difficult and
challenging for us, so where is this white privilege? We tell ourselves that we
know that some people are born in to privilege, but simply the color of our
skin does not give us any easy routes to success.
We want to say All Lives Matter because that is what we have
been taught. It is what we feel to be intrinsically true. We think that saying
Black Lives Matter means that other lives matter less. We are confused about what is OK to talk about
and we fear being labeled racist so much that we avoid having conversations
about race with anyone outside of our own white culture. Yet we don’t believe
there is a white culture. We see our culture as normal.
We want all lives to matter.
We congratulated ourselves when Barack Obama was elected as
our country’s first black president. The media rushed ahead and began talking about
living in a post-racial America. This was wrongheaded and wishful thinking.
We are so unaware of our white privilege that we think that electing a black President means that the dream has been
fulfilled and that equality has been achieved. But the reality is that for many Americans of all colors, race does still matter.
Race matters to the black people who disproportionately live
in poverty. It matters because our prisons are full of black men. It matters because a person of color is more likely to be sentenced to death. It matters because a broken taillight should not result in being murdered by a police officer.
Race matters to white people who cling to relics of the
past, like the confederate flag. It matters to them because they fool themselves into believing in a golden age when things were better for everyone. It matters to them
because they fear becoming the new victims of discrimination. They fear that a
progressive society means that their way of life will be wiped away and that
they will be forced to abandon their values and be ashamed of their heritage.
It matters to those who feel that we have gone too far in
trying to correct the wrongs inflicted upon black people. It matters because
they think that we have now leveled the playing field and that any further
measures to improve the lives of people of color will lead to less opportunity
for themselves. It matters because they think that maybe the pendulum has swung
too far and that black people get unmerited opportunities.
As for myself, I will confess that
I’m not always proud of how I have perceived people who are a different race
from me.
What does our history tell us about the value we place on
black lives? From 1619 to 1865 people of African descent were legally treated
as chattel. Property to be owned and traded. After slaves were emancipated, for the
next one-hundred years black people were treated as second class
citizens. They could not own land, their voting rights were suppressed, they
were lynched, and they were terrorized by the Ku Klux Klan. Blacks were viewed by the majority white culture as
inferior. They were forced to use separate facilities. To use separate
entrances to buildings. A black maid in a white household would have to use the
toilet in the basement.
After 1965, Blacks had to fight to go to the same schools as
whites. It was not until 1970 that the city I live in became the first in the
south to fully integrate its school system after a Federal mandate was handed
down from the courts.
And here we are forty-six years later and blacks are still
the first to be suspected when something goes missing from an office. They are
followed around by security when they enter stores. White people cross the
street to avoid passing a black man on a sidewalk. They are disproportionately
stopped by police whether walking or driving. And they are more likely to be
killed in an interaction with police.
And what about respect? Are black people respected as equals
in our society? I have watched nearly every State of the
Union Address during my adult life.
Regardless of party, the elected President has always been treated with
respect during the speech by the members of Congress. During the first black President’s initial State of the Union address, Joe Wilson, a Congressman from South Carolina
broke the normal decorum. He shouted out, “You Lie, You Lie.” What message did
this send to African Americans about their place in this country?
We say that all lives matter. But
do our actions really demonstrate that? Have we made enough effort? Clearly, we have historically not treated black people as
if their lives mattered equally.
Have we really made enough progress to just keep saying all
lives matter? People are in the streets asking us to show them through our actions that their lives matter as much as ours.
We must demonstrate that Black Lives Matter.
We must demonstrate that Black Lives Matter.
Great writing, Scott, and a great point simply written. Your writing is so descriptive and easy to read. I love the way you make your point in such a concise way. It's what makes me keep wanting to read and when it's done....I want more!
ReplyDeleteTou are too kind Diane! But Thanks. And I will keep writing. I'll see if I can write a longer post just for you!
DeleteYOU are too kind.
DeleteThis surely is a difficult discussion, but you're expressing your position well. How can we recognize the reality that characterizes the challenges one group faces in this world without drawing lines in the sand? I read this and I think of how as a woman, WE were considered chattel in this country not so much longer ago. And I could easily go on from there if I were to divide my humanity up into the categories I represent to the eyes of others. But I can't do that, I'm much too complicated. We all are. So I challenge you all to take a DNA test to discover just how mixed up we all are - and that doesn't begin to elucidate how mixed up we all are! So I stand by my choice to avoid distinctions at all costs. 'The content of our character' and all that. THAT's where I see distinctions. I simply can't wrap my head around feeling guilty for my whiteness (though I'm not nearly as white as I look). I think we do have a caste system in this country, but it's more about income inequality and obscure opportunity. It is my belief that the first step toward a more dignified existence is for each individual to refute any excuse that hinders personal progress. That's the mud people get stuck in - it's the mud they sling. Argue for your limitations people, and voila! They're yours.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and your thoughtful reply!
DeleteBlack people don't want anyone to feel guilty about being white but to acknowledge the privilege afforded to you. The very fact that you can choose to be colorblind is part of your privilege. You aren't followed in the store. Your children aren't asked to leave their bags at the front of the store while their white friends are not. You don't worry about dying when you reach for your license, so that is the privilege, not sense of guilt, people want you to acknowledge.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rev. Bruce. I thank you for reading, advising, and commenting. It seems that it is more difficult to convey this message than I had anticipated. I suppose that when attempting to address an issue honestly our own bias becomes evident and people on either side of the discussion can misunderstand the intent. I think you can see that my intent is to encourage positive dialogue. I was attempting to explain from my perspective why white people may misunderstand the term "white privilege" yet convey my own sense that we need to admit that it does exist. I think for many white people it is a loaded term. I have tried to explain the academic use of the word to describe a social phenomena that happens globally, but is more pronounced in countries in which people of color have faced state sanctioned discrimination. i.e United States, South Africa